
ReactJs • NodeJs • DynamoDB • RESTful API • FirebaseProvided on-demand delivery service which focused and committed to providing a cost-effective solution for local restaurants to optimize their deliveries. System dashboard enabled restaurants to contact with nearby professional carries for delivery service with calculated most effictive route.
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TC Columbia University
T4 • PHP • JavaScript • MySQL • BootstrapTeachers College, Columbia University is the first and largest graduate school of education in the United States and is also perennially ranked among the nation’s best. Work included transferring over 60 academic programs', 300+ pages to new T4 CMS with responsive layout. Implemented customized design and features for departments with collaborating lead designer.
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MeteorJs • MongoDB • Foundation • NodeJsVisual storytelling in elegant pages. Rethinking the approach to web design to be more print friendly. Allowing contents to be still interactive and involved in social web presence yet bridging the gap between digital and print.
Visit SiteCrowdsUnite

CrowdsUnite is a crowd-sourced review site for online funding platforms. With the rich amount of educational resources and advisories from experts, users can compare hundred of crowdfunding sites to find the best option for their campaign.
Euro So. Cap USA

Euro So.Cap is the leader in hair extension and related products. Their products ships to worldwide and teach the most high end technique for hair extension application.

AngularJs • d3 • MongoDB • angular materialIshihara is a web game that tested on how good you differentiate colors. The game required user to choose only button which is in different color from a pool of buttons every round of game. Unlike other web game on facebook, Ishihara provided an analysis on game result and comparing it with the population. Also, Players can gain the insight of how they perform on BGA colors and received estimated rating. The purpose of the game is to raise player's attention with color blindness.
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Ruby on rails • bootstrap • mysql • google apisSubwayZ is created for the New Yorker to retrieve the status of the subway train they intend to take as a part of their daily commute. Unsatisfied with the unreliability of the current information available about train arrivals, our group has decided to provide supplementary information to the commuters. This is done by gathering information via crowdsourcing, we believe that informations provided by fellow commuters community will be a more reliable source.
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